Category Number
Number of Applicants Number of Awarded Items Number of Awared Applicants Award Rate
Sub-total of Product Category
(Specific below)
2,066 1,010 1,149 575 55.6%
A1.Personal Use Group 693 322 476 197 68.7%
A2.Family Use Group 722 326 312 164 43,2%
A3.Working Use Group 467 248 257 145 55.0%
A4.Public Use Group 184 114 104 69 56.5%
B.Facility/Architecture Category 126 112 56 52 44.4%
C.Communication Design Category 68 57 40 37 58.8%
D.New Frontier Category 69 60 45 39 65.2%
TOTAL 2,329 1,239
1,290 703
>> Overview of Adjudication