Good Design Award ASEAN Design Selection
Good Design Award ASEAN Design Selection
Outline of 2005
Outline of 2004
Outline of 2003
The ASEAN countries produce many products of excellent design that take advantage of regional materials and technologies as well as of the life and cultures that form their background.
The Good Design Award ASEAN Selection is a project to introduce the typical designs of these countries to the Japanese consumers.

The year before last, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and ASEAN-Japan Centre (ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism) proposed use of the Good Design Award in implementing part of the Center's ongoing program to support exports to Japan. JDP studied the proposal in light of the various roles that the Good Design Award is supposed to fulfill, and decided to proceed by provisionally creating an ASEAN Design Selection category under the Good Design Award.
This project was enthusiastically received by the governments and industries of the countries concerned. Even though this was the first year, we were very fortunate to receive some 170 applications. An overview of the entries is given below.

ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism
Japan Institute of Design Promotion
-See 2005 Results
-See 2004 Results
-See 2003 Results
About ASEAN program
Japan Institute of Design Promotion
G-Mark Division

About trading of award products
ASEAN-Japan Centre
TEL.+81-3-3546-1225, FAX.+81-3-3546-9050