New Frontier Category

The system throughout the manufacturing, selling, and aftercare that coaches how to repair or modify the shoes by sending the information through the internet connecting the users, shops, and maker.
Applicant: Foot & Shoe Science Institute Co.,Ltd.
Designer: Karl-Heinz Schott + Katsushi Kunimoto

This is a design for a system that links customers, sales outlets, and manufacturers over the Internet for purposes about exchanging information concerning feet and shoes, allowing adjustment and repair of shoes and product enhancements. By facilitating the smooth exchange of information, the system not only allows examination of the feet, and shoe repair and adjustment services, as well as the provision and follow-up care of shoes customized for the individual. It also supports better health, not just for the feet, but for the entire body. We were pleased to note that the designers have succeeded in constructing a business model for more user-oriented service through their creation of this highly feasible system.